Friday, October 21, 2022

Hey It's Good, To Be Back Home Again

 Friday was the home stretch. We slept a little later this morning, and we got delayed for a bit talking to some fellow campers interested in our Class B RV, so we didn't get on the road until 11:15 am. We anticipated a little over 3 hour drive, but took a short detour when we got to La Salle IL. We took a nostalgic drive through the town where Janet often spent summers visiting her cousins, aunt, and uncle. Her aunt and uncle have passed, and the cousins moved away, but the house is still there and the neighborhood is mostly unchanged. We stopped at their parish church where her cousin was married, then resumed our drive home, arriving by 3:30 pm.

After unloading the RV, we drove to Janet's sister's to pick up our cat Dusty who has been living under her care since we began the trip more than a month ago.  Dusty took a little time to warm up, but I think he's happy to be home in his familiar surroundings.

Our RV Odyssey has been a great adventure. We saw many wonderful places and learned a lot about living in an RV for an extended time. I will certainly do it again.

Watch for a final recap in a day or three.

Racine Family House in La Salle

St. Patrick Parish Church

St Patrick Church

Crossing the Finish Line

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